That's my family up there. At the heart of everything I do, they come first. As I'm sure yours does. Family is a complicated thing. Sometimes it's the people we're related to. Or it can be the people who feel like family, the ones who are there when we need them and with whom we share the ups and downs of life.
Photography is a beautiful way to hold on to those we love. When I take photos, I try to capture the connections between people because who we are is complimented by who we are around.
So who am I? I'm a mother and a wife, a student and a teacher. Hopefully I'm a photographer, I've been running my photography business for over a decade now. I'm studying photography and graphic design at university and also work at uni, helping other students. I homeschool my teenage daughters, so I'm re-learning high school as well! I love technology and play computer games, consume online media and read futuristic fiction. I care about our environment and try to reduce my impact where I can. Sometimes I even find time to be a friend and love having a chat over a coffee.
Send me a message and we can talk about how I can help you capture some beautiful images for your individual family, whoever it's made up of.